

With a brand new staff under the name Pépinières Europénnes de Création, the structure reborns to develop, through a vast network of partnerships in France, Europe and abroad, programs of residency for artists, mobility, exchanges, to support (co)production and dissemination of projects… with particular attention to new hybrid talents and digital cultures. 



Pepinieres creates mobility, creation, co-production, distribution and workshops programs …



Pepinieres’ networks include artists/creators and structures in Europe, North America, Africa and Asia.


Art Calls

The Pepinieres’ calls offer to artist/creators residence opportunities or opportunities to disseminate their projects.



Three main axes of partnership that can benefit of funds, equities and Pepinieres networks



Adrien Lefebvre (Fr) | Est-Nord-Est Laureat (Qc) 2020

Adrien Lefebvre (Fr) | Est-Nord-Est Laureat (Qc) 2020

Adrien Lefebvre live en work in Normandy where he studied at the Arts & Medias school of Caen / Cherbourg. Specialised in installation and sound performance. Adrien Lefebvre gathered two assistance for the installation and creation to continue her research....

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25 > 27.11.19 | Sonic Scapes @ City Sonic Festival (Be)

25 > 27.11.19 | Sonic Scapes @ City Sonic Festival (Be)

Les Pépinières européennes de Création (réseau international de soutien à la mobilité et à la diffusion des arts contemporains, des créations pratiques émergentes et intermédiatiques) et Transcultures proposent une sélection audio-vidéo d’artistes hybrides de générations et d’origines variées. Elle souligne le lien dynamique entre les dimensions visuelle et sonore d’un “paysage” (entendu comme le résultat d’une construction et d’une vision humaine et culturelle).

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Call 2019 | MAP artists residency 2020 – Langage Plus (Qc)

Call 2019 | MAP artists residency 2020 – Langage Plus (Qc)

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS : LANGAGE PLUS, MAP, ARTIST RESIDENCIES, ALMA, QUÉBEC In the Framework of the Map mobility programme, Pépinières européennes de Création and Langage Plus (+ its partner the Sagamie Center) launch a call for applications for a 2 months residency,...

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Call 2019 | Visual Arts residency 2020 – Usine Utopik (FR)

Call 2019 | Visual Arts residency 2020 – Usine Utopik (FR)

In partenship with the Pépinières Européennes de Création network, the ADN association – USINE UTOPIK is lauching an open call for a 54 days artistic residency in visual arts  in March/April 2020. Grants 3750 euros Deadline : 25 October 2019  CALL FOR...

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Ateliers de l’Universel 2019 (FR) | Preselected artists

Ateliers de l’Universel 2019 (FR) | Preselected artists

In early 2019, the "Les Ateliers de l'Universel", in partnership with the European Nurseries of Creation, launched an international call for projects aimed at contemporary visual artists around the concept of "the Universal".“Les Ateliers de l’Universel” is an...

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Valkiri (Fr) | Laureat Transcultures (BE) 2019

Valkiri (Fr) | Laureat Transcultures (BE) 2019

Architect by training and multimedia fiddler, Valkiri (Lille) focuses his research on a hybridization between the technologies of yesterday and the ones of today. From any type of media – old or young – he develops devices designed to root in a place and make it...

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IN-DIALOG (Fr) | Château Éphémère (FR) Laureat 2019

IN-DIALOG (Fr) | Château Éphémère (FR) Laureat 2019

With in-house team of developers and designers In-Dialog take on research project that have an artistic direction while using state of the art technology. Mostly made for art festivals, gallery and museums this experiments allows to the collective to have playground...

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Elsa Abderhamani (Fr) | Lauréate Tournefou (Fr) 2019

Elsa Abderhamani (Fr) | Lauréate Tournefou (Fr) 2019

Elsa Abderhamani studied visual communication at ESAA Duperré, then followed a philosophy course at the University of Paris 10, and arts at the National School of Arts of Paris-Cergy. She is pursuing research in video, drawing and photography. Since 2012, she has been...

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Arianna Sanesi (It) | Laureat Tournefou (Fr) 2019

Arianna Sanesi (It) | Laureat Tournefou (Fr) 2019

Arianna  Sanesi is an italian photographer currently based in Paris. After getting a Master's Degree in History of Photography at Bologna University, she attends CFP Bauer in Milan and works for a long time as an assistant for Ferdinando Scianna, italian Magnum...

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