Main guidelines of Pépinières Européennes de création

- To give priority to a truly transversal approach at all levels, hybridization between practices, skills and sectors (creation / research – partnerships envisaged with universities, research laboratories, media labs…, mixing the dimensions of design / production / diffusion, public / private…);
- To concretely promote the professionalization of young creators, the mobility of projects (by rethinking this notion at a time of globalization) and exchanges with Europe and beyond (North America, South East Asia, North Africa with special attention, in non-European collaborations, linguistic and more largely cultural links between France and the partner countries…);
- To integrate digital cultures in their diversity as a vector of innovation and new forms of cross-breeding, creation but also production and dissemination
- To encourage intersections and collaborations between the world and the creativity of companies and that of confirmed artists, young talents and researchers through concrete joint actions (support for residencies in companies…;
- To carry out cross-residencies (flexible time adapted to the project and partnerships) France / Europe-international, pair of creators with complementary skills or creator-researcher working together on a co-production which also travels outside the Pepinières network with the support of these
- To cross innovative creative projects and artistic imaginations with the skills of leading companies and applied research (also private) by offering residencies in companies (particularly in the Information and Communication Technologies sector) and in generating / inventing à la carte partnerships with the private sector for actions and/or Pepinieres events;
- To work on an axis contemporary creation/writing-language > mount projects of production/diffusion/exchange -also within the framework of the network of the Francophonie- always favouring the mobility and the co-production / co-diffusion of the projects and their designers / creators
- To develop the network of the European Pepinieres’ partners (which counted with the European Pepinieres for young artists in 2016, about thirty countries and more than a hundred operators), also attracting additional resources / partnerships;
- To rethink and integrate new production methods (collaborative, cooperative …) into projects and work streams, cross-cutting mobility / adaptability of projects and new economic models (mixed, contributory, etc.);
- To propose and supervise territorial actions in France also related to the international, by constituting an extended network of partners likely to host, co-produce projects raised by the Pepinieres and / or which could meet the field of expertise of the Pepinieres, always combining micro / macro, centrifugal / centripetal dimensions
- To propose, in connection with various partners (including festivals and events of international dimension), several highlights in the year providing to the European Pepinieres projects a platform of visibility for the results of creative residencies and French-European-international partnerships;
- To propose a think tank of experts and professionals coming from different horizons (thinkers, creators, institutional, cultural entrepreneurs or interested by the creation …) on the issues and mutations of contemporary creation, digital cultures, mobility, professionalisation, territorial action, creative residency, international partnerships, the economy of creation today, public awareness…;
- To propose, based on artistic projects and residencies or research, creative forms of public awareness and relationship to the public through specific actions (paying attention to a personalized reception of the public, artistic education on fun and participative modes, diversity, actions beyond the walls and other participative and associative approaches conceived with partners including digital tools and linking the artistic/cultural and societal/citizen dimensions).