Minh Hieu Ti Nguyen | Beyond the movement
Ti Nguyen is developing a work based on different processes of research, creation and interpretation of choreographic matters, between dance and contemporary theatre, relying on captures of surrounding realities as well as working with the architecture of objects, materials, visual and soundscapes. 2011-2018, she collaborated as a researcher, creator and performer with Farm in the Cave International Studio, physical theatre company based in Prague. In 2016, she was nominated Dancer of the year by Opera Plus and Czech Dance Platform for her performance in ” Disconnected“.
She collaborated with physical theatre artists as Laboratorio of Castaldo, Katharina Seyferth, choreographers as Pascal Delhay, La Ribot, directors as Michel Mathieu. She attended intensive workshops including : Edivaldo Ernesto, Shanti Vera & Sendic Vazquez, Francisco Cordova Azuela, Diego Sanou, Los INnato, Hofesh Shechter, Peeping Tom, Batsheva, TJ Lowe, Daniel Abreu, Wendy Houston, Teatr Zar, Atsushi Takenouchi.
She also works as teacher and choreographer with contemporary theater, dance and circus projects in Europe.
« Minh Hieu Nguyen physical virtues and virtuosity allow her to express her dance »… « performs a fragile androgyn in Disconnected, she is a vibrant butterfly and a slim confident in Whistleblowers, exotic and introspective, flexible and plastic, touching and disturbing. »
Nina Vangeli Divadelni Noviny
«…Minh Hieu Nguyen gives her body a burst of emotion, devoted to the resignation and strength of what Czech scenes rarely experience.»
Lucie Hayashi , ArtZona Czech TV

Call related to Minh Hieu Ti Nguyen
EDCM – Ecole de Danse Contemporaine de Montréal (QC)
Recognized for the rigorous training it provides its students. It prepares professional and versatile dancers through quality instruction as well as technical, artistic and personal development tools, thus opening the door to a career in today’s world of contemporary dance. The school, which was founded in 1981, is affiliated with Cégep du Vieux Montréal and accredited by Quebec’s Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’enseignement supérieur.The School is also supported by Canadian Heritage.
The School’s particular approach is defined as the union of two essential components in the make-up of the dance artist: a profound search for his/her own creative uniqueness combined with the mastery of the dancer’s rigorous technique. This technique is acquired through an understanding of the body as well as intense and disciplined work with guest teachers who share a similar vision. Another essential focus of the training is reflection on the art, the movements made and their significance.
The school’s objective is to bring out each individual’s uniqueness and help them realize their full artistic and technical potential for entry into the job market.
- Site Internet : edcm.ca
- Facebook: EcoleDeDanseContemporaineDeMontreal
- Instagram : edcmtl
- Youtube : EcoledanseMTL