Past programs

La Fabrique des Pépinières (2014 > 2017)

Between 2014 and 2017 Pépinières were awarded the label “Fabrique de la culture” (Culture factory) from the regional council of Île-de- France in the framework of a renewable three-year subsidy.
Established in La Maison de l’Arbre, in Montreuil, Seine- Saint-Denis, Pépinières develop creation, production and dissemination programmes dedicated to social artists who get involved in projects that they share with diverse local audiences distant from culture.
Pépinières IN Networking (2014 > 2017)

Federated by the concept “encounter and share”, Pépinières IN Networking is a European programme that aims to extend Pépinières’ network, multiply communication and dissemination actions and enable the implementation of transdisciplinary mobility programmes orientated towards the public through workshops, seminars and a European Forum of young creation.
Pépinières IN Networking receives support from the European Commission through the “Creative Europe” programme.
M4m – M for mobility (2014 > 2016)

M4m is an artistic mobility programme that aims to develop professionalization synergies between young artists and young creative professionals active on the European scene.
It is built around training modules and residencies that call for transdisciplinary experience. It creates cooperation links with countries where the support to mobility is the least developed.
Park in Progress (2010 > 2014)
Encounter and joint creation
Park in progress is a travelling mobility programme, reuniting young artists with cultural and creative professionals; they work together in the different stages of an artistic creation, around a common project that requires transdisciplinary experience.
At each stage of this journey, the artists take over a park, or a wooded urban area, in order to create a nocturnal promenade in progress, the “European night of young creation”, composed of diverse artistic proposals to share with an extensive public audience.
Hito — turismo creativo en los Pirineos (2010 > 2013)

Especially attentive to the emergence of new forms of tourism that are increasingly successful among populations open to discoveries, culture, preserved nature and human encounters, Hito – tourismo creativo en los Pirineos supports local players involved in this new approach to the promotion of the Pyrenean heritage by creating an original network of artistic residencies located on both sides of the Pyrenean mountains, starting point of an artistic discovery path.
MAP XXL (2005 > 2008)

Following on from map, Pépinières’ historic programme, mapXXL supports and promotes a young generation of artists and professionnals revealed by this first stage, through a new professionalization process extended to all of Pépinières’ European partners.
The artistic mobility anddissemination programme mapXXL was implemented between 2005 and 2008 in 26 countries in Europe and around the world.
Artists In Context (2001 > 2007)

Artists against exclusion
Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes designed the Artists in Context – Artistes contre l’exclusion programme to foster a young generation of artists who invent new forms of expression by reinventing the role of the artist through his relation to the Other.
From 2001 to 2007, this programme, implemented in the framework of the European voluntary service, enabled about 40 young designers to build an artistic project related to an underprivileged social and human context.
Far from the usual places of contemporary creation, these artists take possession of unexpected locations to meet new audiences, at the heart of their living context: hospitals, prisons, underprivileged suburbs, isolated countryside or urban areas…