Adrien Lefebvre live en work in Normandy where he studied at the Arts & Medias school of Caen / Cherbourg. Specialised in installation and sound performance. Adrien Lefebvre gathered two assistance for the installation and creation to continue her research. Residency in Belgium, Canada and France and regular participation at group exhibition gives them the opportunity for expanding her work in France as well as aboard.
In a general way, his installations come from the intuitive or the imaginary, from the fortuitous encounter with a material or an object that challenges him and provides him with the themes of a conceptual work on the past, the memory, time … like this work entitled Traces memoires, where coal recovered on site and “set in motion” by the vibrations transmitted by a small engine evokes the industrial past of the old port of Caen. Interfering as little as possible on its material discoveries in order to preserve the trace of their primary function, he can give them an aesthetic dimension in their arrangement or their colors, as in these industrial barrels arranged in pyramid, or these tanks containing crushed gravel, transformed in mental landscapes derived from the natural, to which it assigns a new destination.

Sound art is an art of time and space. The collaborative work Vox is a silent installation that nevertheless places the sound at the heart of the device. Located in the Normandy countryside, the geometric architecture offers the visitor a setting on the surrounding landscape while the random and uninterrupted symphony of the environment submerges it. Like an amplifier, the structure captures the sound potential of the site as space and volume. Here the sound is space.

Before creating installations, Adrien comes from the world of radio and music. It is therefore natural that he integrated performance in his research. After collecting, experimenting and manipulating, he proposes events that always favor improvisation to composition. Close to concrete music, Adrien Lefebvre draws his vocabulary in a form of DIY materialism. The sound is a starting point and not the goal of his artwork. Each aspect of sound is modulated at every stage of the work’s development. The ability to create varied sound masses is infinite.

Est-Nord-Est (ENE – Qc) | MAP Résidences 2020
Est-Nord-Est (ENE) is an artist-run centre the mandate of which is to provide an international community of artists and authors in contemporary art with support by offering space and time for research and experimentation, as well as privileged access to local resources and knowhow.r les Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes et est membre du Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec.
Originally based on the idea of encounters between sculptors with contemporary practices and those using regional traditional skills, ENE now welcomes contemporary visual-arts artists from all disciplines. The residencies at ENE are intended for professional artists, both established and emerging, from all over the world. They offer artists and authors an opportunity to explore their research more deeply, to experiment, and to create in a cultural space that is unique, lively, and stimulating. ENE is a member of Res Artis, Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes and of the Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec.