1 Dec 2018 | -all-news, 2018, agenda, belgium, conferences, exhibitions, international, media arts, news, newsletters, production, sound arts
Longtime transatlantic accomplices, Transcultures, Center for digital and sound cultures (Charleroi) and Rhizome, cultural organism managing events and interdisciplinary shows of living litterature (Quebec) are offering a new edition of ‘E-critures...
1 Dec 2018 | -all-news, 2018, agenda, calls, europe, france, news, photography, residencies
Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) Call for project : Pépinières Européennes de Création – Domaine Du Tournefou | Artist residencies @ Pâlis – Photography | Deadline : 31/12/2018 On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the passing of Jean Renoir,...
20 Nov 2018 | -all-news, 2019, laureats, map, news
Davide Tidoni is a researcher in the field of sound and listening. He’s interested in the relational dimension of listening and the physical experience of sound. With a particular emphasis on observation, action and participation, he realizes a variety of works...
20 Nov 2018 | -all-news, 2019, laureats, map, news, quebec, visual arts
Born in 1993, Cléa Darnaud discovered engraving at the Fine Art School in Bourges. It was during an internship at the studio of the Danish engraver Bo Halbirk in Paris that she became passionate about this technique and decided to continue her studies in Paris at the...
11 Nov 2018 | -all-news, 2018, belgium, laureats, map, media arts, news
As a professional artist, designer, integrator and technician, Louis-Robert Bouchard has been involved for nearly 15 years in numerous projects related to the sphere of technology, sound, image and scene in various companies, organizations, institutions and...
1 Nov 2018 | -all-news, 2018, agenda, belgium, exhibitions, international, media arts, news
In the framework of ‘The Architects of peace’ event, the Mundaneum (Mons) wishes to tell the sotory of two founding “laboratories for peace”. The first, the Peace Palace in The Hague, striving for peace through international law. The second, the Mundaneum in Mons,...
26 Oct 2018 | -all-news, 2018, calls, europe, international, map, news, production, quebec, residencies, visual arts
Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) CALL FOR APPLICATIONS : EST-NORD-EST CENTRE, MAP, ARTIST RESIDENCIES, SAINT-JEAN-PORT-JOLI, QUÉBEC, DEADLINE : DECEMBER 01, 2018 As part of their mobility program, the Creative European Pepinieres and Est-Nord-Est Centre are...
18 Oct 2018 | -all-news, 2018, agenda, europe, exhibitions, international, media arts, news, production, sound arts
After the second workshop sound art led by Raymond Delepierre and Philippe Franck at Simultan, the ‘Seconday Sonic Space’ installation will be presented (before a Folklortronik concert) to the public as part of the ‘Beyond the obvious’ annual...
16 Oct 2018 | -all-news, 2018, calls, europe, international, map, media arts, news, production, quebec, residencies, visual arts
Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) CALL FOR APPLICATIONS : LANGAGE PLUS, MAP, ARTIST RESIDENCIES, ALMA, QUÉBEC, DEADLINE : DECEMBER 1st, 2018 In the Framework of the Map mobility programme, Pépinières européennes de Création and Langage Plus launch a call for...
15 Oct 2018 | -all-news, 2018, agenda, europe, international, media arts, news, production, sound arts, workshops
At the invitation of Levente Kosma, director of the Simultan Festival, Raymond Delepierre (sound artist, sound engineer, technical director at the Rideau de Bruxelles, teacher) and Philippe Franck (artistic director of Transcultures, City Sonic, sound artist and...
3 Sep 2018 | -all-news, 2018, agenda, exhibitions, media arts, news, production
After the presentation of the Shanzhai Archeology installation (associated to an exhibition on China this Summer in Mons) by the DISNOVATION.ORG group, Transcultures continues to present in the framework of the Digit’Ars Fabrica programme launched with its partner...
28 Aug 2018 | -all-news, 2018, agenda, europe, international, news, production, sound arts, workshops
At the invitation of Levente Kosma, director of the Simultan Festival, Raymond Delepierre (sound artist, sound engineer, technical director at the Rideau de Bruxelles, teacher) and Philippe Franck (artistic director of Transcultures, City Sonic, sound artist and...
27 Jun 2018 | -all-news, 2018, agenda, calls, europe, international, media arts, news, production, quebec, residencies, sound arts
Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) As part of the Pépinières Européennes de Création MAP program, the Quebec Co-operative Méduse is launching a call for applications for two residences that are part of its annual hospitality program. Deadline to apply: 05 August...
14 Jun 2018 | -all-news, 2018, belgium, calls, international, media arts, news, production, quebec, residencies
Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) In the frameworks of the Pépinières Européennes de Création and its cross-arts residencies program, Vice Versa, Transcultures (Center interdisciplinary of digital and sound cultures based in Charleroi), launches with LA CHAMBRE...
10 Jun 2018 | -all-news, 2018, news
China… this remote country imprinted with mystery and surrounded by legends, has always been an object of fascination for Westerners. For several centuries, the only sources of information that come to us from this land, long unknown geographically and...
23 May 2018 | -all-news, 2018, calls, france, news, residencies, vidéo arts
Appel a candidatures : In partnership with Pépinières Européennes de Création network, the festival Now You See Me! lanches a call for its 3rd Edition of the International Public Art Short Film Contest.Dealine : 30st September 2018 Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) :...
30 Jan 2018 | -all-news, 2018, belgium, calls, international, map, media arts, news, residencies, sound arts
Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) In the framework of Pepinieres européennes de Creation, Transcultures, Interdisciplinary centre for digital and sound cultures, together with the City of Charleroi (Belgium), with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the...
1 Apr 2017 | -all-news, 2017, 2019, belgium, laureats, map, media arts, news, sound arts
Artist-programmer and researcher in thefield of art and digital humanities, Franck Soudanwas working at the Communication/Hypermedia department of the University of Savoie (France), until 2017. His work focuses on the aesthetic and political issues of software,...
31 Jan 2016 | programs fiches
The fields and artistic mediums of the Pepinieres’ residencies are numerous and often reflect the diversity of partnerships engaged by the structure, whether at national or international level. Particular attention is however paid to contemporary and intermedia and...
29 Jan 2016 | programs fiches
Audio-Visuel – Cinema/Vido/Crossmedia/Transmdia Pépinières continue their exploration of young creation by broadly opening up their research spectrum to all forms of artistic creation that renew cinematographic creation. Whichever the training course they may have...
27 Jan 2016 | programs fiches
Support creative online forms Transcultures and the European Pepinieres of Creation are launching, from April 2020, a program devoted to different modes of online creation or using digital networks. It is mainly to disseminate through our associated international...
25 Jan 2016 | programs fiches
Collaborations between Pepinieres and art schools aim to open up students to new sonic, digital & intermedia practices, through a series of workshops (at least 2 weeks/a year, depending on the possible agenda) while emphasizing cross-disciplinary disciplines and...