As a professional artist, designer, integrator and technician, Louis-Robert Bouchard has been involved for nearly 15 years in numerous projects related to the sphere of technology, sound, image and scene in various companies, organizations, institutions and collectives, as well as professional artists from the fields of dance, theater, performance, music, audio art, visual art, multidisciplinary art, audiovisual installation and research.

Throughout these collaborations, he has established himself as a reference in terms of experimental multidisciplinary creation, complex video projections, spatialization sound and interactivity installation. In 2015, he founded the production company Interférences ( whose mandate is to produce works that mix arts and technologies.

In parallel with his professional practice, he actively develops his personal practice: multidisciplinary artist, he combines technologies, music, audio art, video, installation and performing arts in the context of complex and intelligent multidisciplinary works.

La Chambre Blanche (Qc) <> Transcultures (Be) | Crossed residencies 2018/2019
Within the framework of the European Pepinieres of Creation and the bilateral media art exchange Vice Versa crossed Résidences within LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE (Quebec) and Transcultures (Belgium), the Quebec multidisciplinary media artist Louis-Robert Bouchard and the French creator/designer/searcher Franck Soudan developped their installation project ‘In[di]visible’.
The artwork is a communication device containing three main elements: a data source, a data transfer device and an output display. This device will attempt to explore the relationship between humans and modern digital communications through slowing down, visualization, processing and transformation of electrical and digital data flows, as well as the symbiotic, indivisible relationship of all these elements. .