
The exhibition that artist Alain Wergifosse has prepared during his Pépinières residency at East Atelier Gallery presents several projects that the artist has been working on since 2020.

At the heart of these photographs, sound pieces and videos, we find this notion of feedback and this process of regeneration which also animate the cycles of nature and which is the main tool of Alain Wergifosse’s creative explorations in movement.


That serie bring together nearly twenty images of lights in motion taken at night in the city at long photographic exposure.

The artist likes to dilate time to the extremes of slow motion, down to the absolute stillness, capturing fleeting moments of light in motion into shapes of intricate colors and strange spectral figures improvised in the air with the camera to form small visual compositions of silent “retinal music” (imaginary silent sounds made to excite the eye rather than the ear, like the needle of a pickup that vibrates to the groove of a vinyl record), frozen in time into the photographic space.

The modulation of the alternate electric current of the city’s power network is even made subtly visible inside the beams of light frozen in time.

This photographic series has been used to illustrate the artist’ second album SPECTRES & NEONS of experimental electronic music released in 2022 by the Belgian label Transonic and produced by Transcultures – Centre of digital and sound cultures (Belgium).


Theses 2 series are the result of a process of creative experimentations on light using objects and physical optics like prisms, lenses, mirrors and filters to modulate beams of light into many compositions of mesmerizing color pictures.

Originally started during the pandemic lockdown, these works are part of an ongoing Art/Science project involving the use of photonic lab technologies and optic benches.

Both series of works are also used to illustrate the artist third and the future fourth album of the same respective titles to be released by Transonic, the latter of which is to be finished and mixed during a WeSA residency (as part of a collaboration with Transcultures Belgium/Europe) at the South Korean island of Jeju-Do.




The video SYNCHRONISMES is an early work of self-generative digital video feedback process, originally recorded back around the early 2000’s and represents one of the clearest examples of what the author like to call “retinal music”: looking at these luminous fluxes, we can imagine sounds in the silence.

Alain Wergifosse

​Insatiable explorer of sound, image and the media since the 1980s, Alain Wergifosse amplifies all kinds of resonant objects and specializes in the electronic processing of feedback to achieve his organic compositions and improvisations. He has traveled the world solo and with various groups and collective projects (Obmuz, Macromassa, SpecOp, Colectivo Anatomic among others).

From his base in Barcelona, he composed, during ten years, the music and sound interactions of the shows Marcel lí Antúnez (ex La Fura dels Baus) and he collaborated with many artists of the experimental musical scene ( Zbigniew Karkowski, Cluster, Jaki Liebezeit, Francisco Lopez, Nad Spiro, Eli Gras,…) and actively participated in various adventurous initiatives in Spain and internationally.

In recent years, returning to Belgium, he has developed his visual work and produced immersive and interactive installations, self-generative videos, microscopies and other materialist compositions presented in several festivals and international events (City Sonic, MEM, Kikk, Semaine du son, Simultan, Transnumeriques, Pléiades, Zone Libre…).



  • 07 > 24.09.2024 | 10 > 18:00
  • Opening 07.09.2024 | 17h
  • East Atelier Gallery
  • 264 Wonnam-dong, Jongno-Gu, Séoul, République de Corée
  • Free entrance


  • East Atelier Gallery, Transcultures, European Pepinieres of Creation
  • With the support of Wallonia-Brussels International.
  • Artistic curator: Philippe Franck / Transcultures, European Pepinieres of Creation