
Hosted in residency European Pepinieres in South Korea by the East Atelier Gallery, Alain Wergifosse presents at the end of his stay in Seoul, his first solo exhibition in the “land of the morning calm”. This one presents a selection of photographs, videos and sound pieces to listen to. It will also be the subject of a presentation of this work by Alain Wergifosse and Philippe Franck who is the artistic curator of this exhibition during the opening on September 7.

The residency will be a time of research and production of the exhibition and will also serve the artist for the final mixing of the organic/electronic pieces constituting the album “Flow & Densities” on the Transonic label, a first stage of which had been initiated on the occasion of the Vice Versa – Creation/Research residency between La Chambre Blanche (Quebec) and Transcultures (Belgium) in 2020, during the period of confinement due to the pandemic.

A first mini album “Flux & Densités [prologue]” had been published on Transonic’s bandcamp on this occasion. “Flow & Densities” is the revised and remixed version on digipack CD and digital media (also on Transonic).

Alain Wergifosse

​Insatiable explorer of sound, image and the media since the 1980s, Alain Wergifosse amplifies all kinds of resonant objects and specializes in the electronic processing of feedback to achieve his organic compositions and improvisations. He has traveled the world solo and with various groups and collective projects (Obmuz, Macromassa, SpecOp, Colectivo Anatomic among others).

From his base in Barcelona, he composed, during ten years, the music and sound interactions of the shows Marcel lí Antúnez (ex La Fura dels Baus) and he collaborated with many artists of the experimental musical scene ( Zbigniew Karkowski, Cluster, Jaki Liebezeit, Francisco Lopez, Nad Spiro, Eli Gras,…) and actively participated in various adventurous initiatives in Spain and internationally.

In recent years, returning to Belgium, he has developed his visual work and produced immersive and interactive installations, self-generative videos, microscopies and other materialist compositions presented in several festivals and international events (City Sonic, MEM, Kikk, Semaine du son, Simultan, Transnumeriques, Pléiades, Zone Libre…).



  • 01.02 > 26.02.2024
  • Transcultures
  • Convent of Hautrage
  • 6, Place d’Hautrage 7334 Saint-Ghislain Belgique
  • transcultures.be


  • Production : VIDEOFORMES, Transcultures, European Pepinieres of Creation.
  • With the support of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (media arts).