Florent Colautti studied classical music as a child, and received training in Architecture and Restoration of Ancient Heritage as a young adult. He then attended and get a DEM (1st prize) in Conservatoire de Bordeaux (C.Eloy, J.Y.Bosseur) and then with P. Leroux, T. Blondeau, R.R. Larivière in Paris.
He is well-known for the conception and construction of hybrid electronic/acoustic instruments, including the “e-String”. To sustain this on-going projects, he completed residencies through “Arts & Science actions” of SCRIME & Bordeaux University in 2012-2013 and at Le Shadok & Lutherie Urbaine in 2017.
He has follow workshop in France and abroad (PrototypesIII-Abbaye de Royaumont, IRCAM-Centre Pompidou, Orford Art Center, Imal, and Musique & Recherches), received Sacem Prize, 1st prize in competition “Vacances Percutantes” for a percussion quartet. The piece “Jupiter” receive public award and Mention Bernard Donzel-Gargand for the best narrative work on Luigi Russolo International Sound Art Competition. He received funding and grants from “Hessen-Aquitaine” (foundation Heinrich Mann) and “George Sand-Frédéric Chopin” (Foundation Genshagen).
Works have been accepted into competitions such as the “Banc d’essai-InaGRM”, “Mixtur” and “Sirga” festivals, and was finalist on St Bertrand de Comminges Organ contest. Now !!! He composing electronic/acoustic pieces, constructs electro-acoustic instruments, conceptualizes sound installations, and provides electronic music & digital art workshops.
He has collaborated with art centers, companies and musicians. His works have been featured at festivals including Présences-Radio France, Festival Aujourd’hui Musiques, Festival Musiques Démesurées, Extension-La muse en circuit, Nuit d’Hiver-GRIM, Futura-Cie Motus, Spectaculare Festival-Prague, Antistatic Festival-Sofia, Sonic Odyssey-Los Angeles, In-Sonora-Madrid, Digital Marrakech-Morocco.
He has performed live at venues including 104—Paris, Center for New Music-San Francisco, CAPC-Bordeaux, and GMVL-Lyon. He receive command for acousmatic music by Radio France, Cie Alcôme and a solo piece for e-String on Festival Aujourd’hui Musique-Theatre de l’Archipel.

Château Éphémère – Sound & digital factory
Supported by the Greater Paris Seine & Oise Urban Community, the Château Vanderbilt rehabilitation project was awarded to the Caserne Éphémère association, which for more than 25 years has been pursuing the objective of transforming abandoned spaces into places of artistic imagination. Two years of study were necessary to revive this Anglo-Norman residence and give it an innovative artistic boost. Only 3 years, to pass from the stage of reflection realization.
Place of residences and digital creation, Château Éphémère has offered, since November 2014 and over 2000 m2, more than a dozen workshops with a creative vocation, artistic residences, a digital laboratory as well as spaces for transmission and exchange.
Once a year, Château Éphémère launches a open call for candidatures to sound and digital artists wishing to benefit from privileged support which combines production grants, workspace, accommodation and the provision of a quality technical park. However, throughout the year, the Château Éphémère welcomes artists carrying out innovative projects and needing space to carry it out for shorter periods.