
For several years, the European Pépinières of Creation has been showcasing emerging French artists at the Lumen Festival, initiated by the Maison de la Marionnette in Tournai, linking puppet arts with digital arts in partnership with Transcultures.

For this ninth edition, the *Emergences Numériques* section and exhibition will feature four installations from students of art schools in Mons (ARTS2), Tournai, and Tourcoing (including Tracy Galiby and Thomas Ferreira). Additionally, Philippe Franck (director of the Pépinières) will lead a roundtable discussion on the opening day at 4:30 pm, titled “Puppet Arts and Digital Arts from a Female Perspective,” featuring Valérie Cordy, Kiral, Julie Bougard, Françoise Flabat (Be), and Ulrike Quade (NL).

Among the other works and artists featured in this edition: *Willy* by Ugo Dehaes (Be), a performance trio involving a robot, a stuffed toy, and a dancer (October 2nd), *Free as a Robot* by Fab Theatre (De), a series of experiments where puppet strings and robot cables intertwine and tangle (October 3rd), *Augmented Music* by Kiral World (Dk), an audio-tactile installation of augmented music (October 4th to 20th).

Chant des cloches – Tracy Galiby (ESA Dunkerque/Tourcoing – Fr)

This soundscape, broadcast in a setup reminiscent of the comfort of a living room, explores the relationship between sound and image. Instead of the usual television screen, the audience discovers the surface of water reflecting the image of the sounds being played.

Tracy shares with us the spatial and temporal environment evoked by the sounds of bells, chimes, and birdsong near her family home. These sounds, which usually seep into our homes and eventually go unnoticed, are here magnified.

This immersive piece presents sound as a generator of images. As Bernie Krause demonstrated, a soundscape can be more evocative than a photograph. The viewer is invited to experience this poetic journey and observe the images that the sound installation brings to mind.

Tracy Galiby

Tracy Galiby is a fine arts student. In 2020, after completing a scientific program, she decided to explore contemporary art by enrolling at the ESA in Tourcoing.

She has had the opportunity to exhibit her work at the Platform Project contemporary art fair in Athens in 2022, as well as in the group exhibition *Résonances* in Mons in 2024.

Primarily working with painting and sculpture, she chose to shape space through sound installations after obtaining her DNA (National Diploma of Art).

Quando me junta a outra vida – Thomas Ferreira (ESA Dunkerque/Tourcoing – Fr)

“Quando me junta a outra vida” is an interactive installation in the form of a video game. This installation presents a non-linear narrative, blending personal memory with alternative stories. It originates from an intimate exploration of the traces left by both familial and collective history, while also questioning the possible divergences of the past.

This interactive installation relies on a sensory immersion, where a granite slab, heated to body temperature, becomes the medium for a journey through a virtual map of the Gerês park. Spectators discover fragmented narratives, triggered by their movements, oscillating between historical reality and speculative fictions. The map, while functional, is still in development to integrate the narrative elements mentioned here.

This piece was supported by the material assistance grant from Esä Tourcoing in 2024.

Thomas Ferreira

Né en 1999 à Cormeilles-en-Parisis, Thomas Ferreira s’est installé à Lille en 2018. Son travail artistique se situe à l’intersection de la science et de la technologie, mêlant photographie, performance et code pour créer des installations, des images et des performances immersives. Diplômé d’un DNSEP de l’Esä (Tourcoing) et d’une licence en arts plastiques et visuels de l’Université de Lille, il a collaboré à plusieurs projets avec l’université, notamment avec les ingénieurs de Polytech’Lille, le laboratoire SCAlab et bientôt le laboratoire IRHIS.

En 2023, son travail a été récompensé par le prix Révélations lors de la foire d’art contemporain Lille Artup!. Il a également exposé dans de nombreux espaces de la Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL), notamment à la Galerie les 3 Lacs (Villeneuve-d’Ascq), à l’Espace Culture (Villeneuve-d’Ascq), à Artconnexion (Lille), au Lille Grand Palais, à la Galerie Commune (Tourcoing) et à La Condition Publique (Roubaix).


Lumen Festival - Puppetry and Media Arts

Lumen, a flagship event where puppets and digital arts meet at the Centre of the Puppet Art. The programming of each edition is family and free! Each of the editions invites the public to discover surprising, poetic and unique universes.

During Lumen #8, for 10 days, around ten works by emerging or confirmed artists, from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and elsewhere will be visible to discover the art of manipulation of objects, images, of bodies under the eye of digital arts. Lumen focuses this year on Zaven Paré,  visual artist, precursor of the electronic puppet.



  • 04 > 20.10.2024
  • Opening 04.10.2024 | 18:30
  • Centre de la Marionnette de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
  • Rue Saint-Martin 47 7500 Tournai – Belgique
  • maisondelamarionnette.be


  • Centre de la Marionnette
  • With the support of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels (digital arts)
  • In partnership with Transcultures and European Pepinieres of Creation
  • Image Banner : Julian Petit