
Since 1992 with Pepinieres europennes pour jeunes artistes and since 2018 with Pepinieres Europeenes de Creation (European Pepinieres of Creation), the structure has been present in 32 countries with more than 200 places of creation partners and 1500 artists supported during the various programs.
Pepinieres Europeenes de Creation promote and accompany the mobility of young artists in a dynamic of professionalization on the European and international cultural scene.
To implement these actions, the incubators develop mobility, creation, co-production, dissemination and training programs that allow young artists and young creative professionals to develop artistic projects in sharing with the public. they meet.
See also past programs.
The fields and artistic mediums of the Pepinieres’ residencies are numerous and often reflect the diversity of partnerships engaged by the structure, whether at national or international level....
Video-cinema Creation
Audio-Visuel – Cinema/Vido/Crossmedia/Transmdia Pépinières continue their exploration of young creation by broadly opening up their research spectrum to all forms of artistic creation that renew...
Support creative online forms Transcultures and the European Pepinieres of Creation are launching, from April 2020, a program devoted to different modes of online creation or using digital networks....
E-mergences Pepinieres program in art schools
Collaborations between Pepinieres and art schools aim to open up students to new sonic, digital & intermedia practices, through a series of workshops (at least 2 weeks/a year, depending on the...