From September 2020 to June 2022, the PRIST research program has set itself the goal of examining the current forms of the plural realities from which our experiences are woven.
This exhibition presents the result of the theoretical and plastic research of more than twenty students whose plastic works intend to reflect on the tangled filiations between humans and technologies. These works are the fruit of a questioning that began when the pandemic demanded that Esä, like other art schools, invent new modes of artistic production, acquisition and transmission of knowledge. It was then necessary to imagine singular pedagogies, themselves crossed by screens, composed of videoconferences, exchanges and digital transmissions. Put in abyme, the reflection on the nature of our contemporary experiences – mixed with virtual, augmented or mixed realities -, then partly took place inside these digital media, being questioned afresh.
During these two years, PRIST students have developed visual and digital writing, accompanied by a reflection on the value of data, the importance of which is growing every day. Mobilized by this digital world which had
taken on an unparalleled scale, they were however able, thanks to certain relaxations, to take part in “face-to-face” activities, in several activities such as conferences, workshops, workshop sessions, visits to scientific laboratories and the Co-operation module. Arts and Sciences creation with the Polytech’Lille engineering school.
Featuring : Amandine Augustak ; Camille Bernard ; Luo Chuhui ; Marie Cunin ; Adeline Defontaine ; Veronica De Oliveira ; Pierre Demeulenaere ; Cécilia Diette ; Julie Everaert ; Alexandre Kieber ; Paul Krulic ; Yuliya Makogon ; Hsiao-mei Hsu ; Hugo Miel ; Annaëlle Oestreich ; Hong Qu ; Victoria Quiring ; Charbel Saad ; Nina Vase ; Kairui Yao
Openin performance : “ACOUSTICITÉS – Quand l’école résonne” | Performances, videos, live music. With the participation of the sound studio of Esä, site of Tourcoing, of GMLR (The GMLR- Studio gémellaire is the cross-border sound studio common to Esä, site of Tourcoing and ARTS², the higher school of Arts of Mons) and the support of the association Transcultures. Supervised by Silvain Vanot.
Pedagogical support : Stéphane Cabée Cyril Crignon Marie Lelouche Nathalie Stefanov. Avec la participation de Christophe Chaillou et des étudiants du Module de Co-création Arts et Sciences Polytech’Lille.

- 12.05 > 23.05.2022
- Opening 12 may 2022 @ 18:00 à 21:30
- Exhibition – 13:00 à 17:00 (except the week-end).
- Esa – 36 bis rue des Ursulines, 59200 Tourcoing
- With the participation of the ESÄ site Tourcoing sound studio, GMLR (The GMLR- Studio gémellaire is the cross-border sound studio common to the ESÄ Tourcoing site and ARTS2, the Ecole Supérieure des Arts de Mons) and the support of the Transcultures & European Pepinieres of Creation. Supervised by Silvain Vanot.
- Exhibition resulting from the PRIST research program