Everything you always wanted not to know about IMAGES IN THE MIDDLE – IDM ©. This book is 333 (+3) pages for the 33 years of Jean-François Octave in this transdisciplinary contemporary art workshop, not quite like the others.
Published in the form of an alphabet book, on the occasion of 3 exhibitions at the Abattoirs de Mons (BAM), at the BPS22, at the MAC’s Musée des Arts contemporains Grand-Hornu and an evening at ISELP.
With contributions from Xavier Canonne, Nancy Casielles, Jeannine Dath, Philippe Ernotte, Philippe Franck, Denis Gielen, Pierre-Olivier Rollin, Aldo Guillaume Turin, Xavier Roland, Daniel Vander Gucht, Christophe Veys…

- Co-edition : La Lettre Volée, Arts2
- With the support of Transcultures et des European Pepinieres of Creation
- artsaucarre.be/idm – transcultures.be