Artist-programmer and researcher in thefield of art and digital humanities, Franck Soudanwas working at the Communication/Hypermedia department of the University of Savoie (France), until 2017. His work focuses on the aesthetic and political issues of software, algorithms and their conceptual consequences. His works havebeen the subject of online exhibitions aswell as in institutions (BNF Paris – 2011), including permanent installations, and conducting presentations in France and abroad. As part of his research and development, healso designed and developed the project ThePaths of Culture, which is a hypermedia cultural mediation installation applied to thearea of Bourg-en-Bresse.

In a very general way, the artistic approach of Franck begins with the ideology according to which, with the new digital echnologies, we would have essentially to face computer problems by ignoring that these last ones compose initially unpublished sensitive experiments and aspire to assert themselves as real political projects. It is in the middle of this interstice, between ethics and aesthetics, that he has been developing for the last ten years a variety of digital works and researches, in which he keeps questioning the attributes of this meta-medium : the programming code.

La Chambre Blanche (Qc) <> Transcultures (Be) | Crossed residencies 2018/2019
Within the framework of the European Pepinieres of Creation and the bilateral media art exchange Vice Versa crossed Résidences within LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE (Quebec) and Transcultures (Belgium), the Quebec multidisciplinary media artist Louis-Robert Bouchard and the French creator/designer/searcher Franck Soudan developped their installation project ‘In[di]visible’.
The artwork is a communication device containing three main elements: a data source, a data transfer device and an output display. This device will attempt to explore the relationship between humans and modern digital communications through slowing down, visualization, processing and transformation of electrical and digital data flows, as well as the symbiotic, indivisible relationship of all these elements. .
Transcultures (Be) | MAP Residences 2017
In the framework of Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes MAP programme*, Transcultures, Interdisciplinary centre for digital and sound cultures, together with the City of Charleroi (Belgium), with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, launched a call for a 12 weeks (maximum) creative residency in order to develop a new project (installation, performance or other artistic device) in the field of the digital/media/sound arts.
Interdisciplinary Center for Digital and Sound Cultures (Artistic Director: Philippe Franck), Transcultures is an association born in 1996 in order to promote and develop crossings between contemporary artistic practices and arts/society/technology stakes; focusing in particular on sound art and digital creation. Since 2008, Transcultures is settled in Charleroi (Belgium) and through its new interdisciplinary center, is working on production, mediation and reflection regarding electronic and sound projects.