
As part of the “Spirit of Vilnius“ exhibitions and events, ArtComTech is offering 2 lectures-debates with Philippe Franck (27.11) and Gabriele Soucheyre (28.11) -respectively director of Transcultures + Pépinières européennes de Création and Videoformes- who talk about their respective (trans)cultural approaches and artistic experiences.

Gabriel V. Soucheyre (Fr)

Gabriel Soucheyre is the director of Vidéoformes, International Digital Arts Festival in Clermont-Ferrand since 1986, and the VIDEOFORMES Digital Archive.

Editor of Turbulences Video (video art and Digital Culture quarterly magazine). Curator for the Galerie de l’art du temps (Time based arts gallery).

Participates in many national and international events as curator or jury member. Teaches at ‘Université Blaise Pascal’, Clermont-Ferrand. Producer, vlogger and videomaker.


Philippe Franck (Fr/Be)

Under the name Paradise Now, Philippe Franck has been developing, since the early 1990s, a multifaceted artistic journey in a forward-looking and willingly collaborative approach. He has produced numerous choreographic music, exhibitions, performances interdisciplinary, videos (notably for Régis Cotentin, Hanzel & Gretzel and Thomas Israel), multimedia devices (with digital artists, Philippe Boisnard, Marc Veyrat, art2network).

In addition to its collaborations with the holistic performer Isa*Belle (several installations and body/sound performances since 2005), Paradise Now also works with musicians electronics Christophe Bailleau (the duo Pastoral), Gauthier Keyaerts (within Supernova), Stephan Dunkelman, Christian Leroy, Didié Nietzsche, the vocalist/performer Maja Jantar as well as several poets (including Ira Cohen, Gerard Malanga, Werner Moron, Eric Therer, Catrine Godin, Habiba Sheikh…).

His recording productions can be found notably on the Transonic, Optical Sound and Sub Rosa labels



The first Art/Communication/Technologies seminars organized by Natan Karczmar were held in 1993 and 1994 at the European University of Research at the Ministry of Research in Paris. Contributors were artists and theoreticians involved in art and technology.

In 2007 and 2008, the “ArtComTec” seminars were presented at the Couvent des Récollets in Paris. Several videoconferences were also organized between Montreal and Paris as well as with Israeli cities and Paris at various occasions. Current seminars are mainly happening by videoconference and participants contribute from their living or working places.

In July 2015, Natan Karczmar proposed in partnership with Pilsen2015, the University of Western Bohemia (Faculty of Art and Design-ArtCamp) and Transcultures, a cycle of ArtComTec interventions by several critics and digital artists (Fred Forest, Olga Kisselva, Olivier Auber, Annick Bureaud…).



  • 27.11 + 28.11.2023 | 17:00
  • Rotušė (Hôtel de Ville historique de Vilnius)
  • Didžioji g. 31, 01128 Vilnius, Lituanie
  • Free


  • ArtComTech
  • With the support of Transcultures/City Sonic 20 years, European Pepinieres of Creation, FAYR Ecosystem and the Ministry of Culture and Innovation of the Republic of Užupis.