Actions of Pépinières Européennes de Création

The Pepinieres of Creation work in the short, medium and long term to :
Main actions
- Develop its information network for artists and cultural structures in Europe and internationally;
- Coordinate a creation residency program (for one or more artists / designers / technicians / cultural professions, variable duration depending on the needs of the project) à la carte, favoring residents with complementary skills between France, European countries and a network of international partners;
- Propose a program of workshops focused on new interdisciplinary practices, digital and sound arts that can lead to exhibitions or other public presentations;
Secondary actions
- Set up a transcultural pilot exchange/creation program -especially within the Francophonie-network around the notion of new hybrid artistic writings, highlighting both singularities and linguistic and cultural intersections;
- Set up a transversal program to support creation through exchanges around digital cultures by integrating the creation / applied research dimension (in connection with human and social sciences researchers as well as engineers, computer scientists, biologists …, laboratories, universities, etc.);
- Propose adapted residential programs that value the wealth of heritage sites and question the tangible and intangible heritage through creative, innovative, intermediary and specific site projects.
- Propose at several festivals in France and internationally, adapted dissemination Pepinières’ programs highlighting projects and creators supported in the various programs;
- Bring together a think-tank of reflection (philosophers, sociologists, economists, art/historians, anthropologists, urban planners, landscape architects, climatologists …) and to associate them concretely with creative projects, with their issues and more generally with the development of Pepinières.